E l e c t r o - A c o u s t i c R e p e r t o i r e
Archbold, Paul – A Little Night Music for oboe and interactive computer. 2004.
Arcuri, Serge – La Porte des Sables for oboe or English horn, midi percussion and tape. 1989.
Bennett, Myron – Dialogue for One for oboe doubling English horn and two tape recorders. 1969.
Berio, Luciano – Sequenza VII. Universal Edition. 1969/2000.
Bimstein, Phillip – Cats in the Kitchen for oboe, flute and tape. 2007.
Bimstein, Phillip – Half Moon at a Checkerboard Mesa for oboe and tape. 1997.
Bird, David – Squeem for oboe and tape player. 2011.
Bloland, Per – Study for solo oboe and tape. 2002. (6 minutes)
Bruckmann, Kyle – Cell Structure for oboe, clarinet, and recorded analog electronics. 2009.
Brunner, George – Teaching No Talking for oboe and tape.
Cage, John – Fontana Mix for instrument or combination of instruments and magnetic tape. 1958. (11:13)
Carl, Robert – Yearning for oboe with digital delay, processing and tape. 1997.
Celli, Joseph – Hands, Reeds and Video for solo performer and four channels of video. 1985.
Celli, Joseph – Star Island for oboe, participants and stereo tape.
Chadabe, Joel – Street Scene for English horn, tape and projections. 1967.
Chini, Andre – Två vackra moss for oboe and tape. (13:45)
D’Alessio, Greg – Reflections on a Poem by E.E. Cummins for English horn and tape. 1994.
Dixon, Greg – Train of Thought (Derailed) for amplified oboe/English horn and stereo fixed media. 2008. (5:30)
Dobrowolski, Andrzej – Music for magnetic tape and oboe solo. 1965. (9:04)
Drews, Michael – Broken Symmetry for oboe, piano and electroacoustic music. 2004. (7:20)
Duford, Brian – 31 Across, Concerto for Oboe & Pre-Recorded Sound. 2001. (12 minutes)
Eisma, Will – Adela I for oboe and tape. 1977.
Eje, Niels – Oboe in Orbit.
Epstein, Marti – Thalia for oboe d’amore and digital delay. 1998. (11 minutes)
Erickson, Robert – Nine and a Half for Henry (and Wilbur and Orville) for instruments and 4 channel tape. 1970.
Fox, Christopher – Broadway Boogie for cor anglais prerecorded cor anglais.
Friar, Sean – Oboemobo for oboe and EPs. 2010. (7 minutes)
Freihofner, Philip – It’s Only the Wind for oboe and prerecorded electronics.
Freihofner, Philip – The Bell Field for oboe and prerecorded electronics.
Freihofner, Philip – Three Ways to Cook a Fish for oboe and tape.
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-c for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-d for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-h for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-m for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-n for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-p for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-r for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-s for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Globokar, Vinko – Discours III for oboe and 4 prerecorded oboes. 1969. (16 minutes)
Goldberg, Anne H. – Explorazione Spettrale for Emily Di Angelo for solo oboe and electronics. 2010.
Hambraeus, Bengt – Mirrors for oboe and tape. 1987.
Hannan, Peter – RSRCH 2/84 for solo instrument and tape. 1984. (13:50)
Harvey, Jonathan – Ricercare una melodia for oboe and live electronics. (5:24)
Hatch, Peter – Festina Lente for three equal sustaining instruments and tape. 1990. (10 minutes)
Hatzis, Christos – Byzantium for oboe and tape. 1991. (24 minutes)
Hays, Sorrel – Take Back a Country Road for oboe, casio sax and DX-7. New York. 1992.
Hellerman, William – One into Another (Ariel) for English horn and tape. 1972.
Heussenstamm, George – Alchemy, Op. 60 for oboe and tape. 1976.
Hines, Scott - In Memoriam. 2013.
Holliger, – Cardiophony for oboe and MaxMSP live heart microphone. 1971.
Jacobs, Bryan – A Gentle Ruin for oboe and live electronics. 2007. (6:30’)
Jaffe, David A – Impossible Animals for oboe and tape. 1990.
Johnston, Ben – Casta for any solo instrument with tape loop. 1970.
Joyce, Brooke – Memory Jewels for oboe, bassoon and cd. 2006. (10 minutes)
Joyce, Brooke – Prairie Etudes for English horn, live electronics and video. 2006. (6 minutes)
Justel, Elsa – Feuillage de Silence for flute, oboe and tape. 1994.
Karpen, Richard – Life Study No. 2 for oboe and computer-realized sound. 1995.
Keane, David – Tango for oboe and tape (or piano). 1986. (10:18)
Krenek, Ernst – Aulokithara Op. 213a for oboe, harp and tape
Kretz, Johannes – Urban Gypsies for oboe, electronics, and silent movie (movie by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy). (20 minutes)
LaBarbara, Joan – L’albero dale foglie azure for oboe and tape. 1989.
Lake, Larry – Psalm for oboe and tape. 1985. (10 minutes)
Leach, Mary Jane – Xantippe’s Rebuke for oboe and tape. 1993.
Lindroth, Scott – Teerza Rima for oboe and live electronics. 1995.
Lomon, Ruth – Furies for oboe and prerecorded oboe, oboe d’amore and English horn.
Louvier, Alain – Qu’est devenu ce bel oeil? (What became of this beautiful eye?) for flute or oboe and tape. 1977.
Lyon, Eric – Fanfare for Gordon Mumma for treble instrument(s) and tape.
Ingham, Steve – Fast Breeder for oboe and tape.
Marshall, Ingram – Baghdad Blues for oboe and electronics. 2006.
Marshall, Ingram – Dark Waters for English horn with live electronics and tape. 1995. (17:12)
Marshall, Ingram – Holy Ghosts for oboe d’amore and live digital delay processing. 2000. (9:16)
Mason, Charles Norman – Amalgam I for oboe and tape. 1988.
Maxwell, Melinda – Pibroch for oboe and drone.
Mefano, Paul – Asahi for oboe et dispositif électro-acoustique 1992. (6 minutes)
Melby, John – Concerto for English horn and computer. 1986. (15 minutes)
Mendez, Jorge Garcia Del Valle – Blue Water, Dark Sky for oboe and 2-channel tape. 2009. (21:30)
Misurell-Mitchell, Janice – Deconstruction Blues for English horn and DX-7. 1991. (11 minutes)
Mitterer, Wolfgang – Charivan for oboe and electronics. (6:30)
Moss, Lawrence – Unseen Leaves for soprano, oboe and tape. (16:32)
Musgrave, Thea – Niobe for oboe and tape. 1987.
Nazor, Craig – Inverted Canons for oboe and tape.
Pennycook, Bruce – Fast Dance for English horn and tape. (7 minutes)
Pinkston, Russell – Gobo for oboe and electronic sounds. 2007. (7:19)
Phillips, Mark – Elegy and Honk for English horn and tape.
Phillips, Mark – Sonic Landscapes for oboe and tape. 1989.
Procel, Gaytan – Concerto No. 2 for oboe and electronics. 2008.
Ohara, Yoko – Psychedelic Mirage for oboe and CD backing.
Repar, Patricia Ann – Alex for oboe, viola and tape. 2014. (8 minutes)
Reynolds, Roger – Islands from Archipelago: I. Summer Island for oboe and computer-generated tape. 1984.
Rosenboom, David – And Come Up Dripping for oboe with live electronic processing. 1968.
Ross, Erik – Succession for oboe and tape.
Roxburgh, Edwin – At the Still point of the turning World for oboe and MaxMSP. (oboe with live delays and treatments)
Rubin, Anna – Stolen Gold for amplified baroque oboe, live electronics and digital audio. 1991/2001. (6:20)
Schwartz, Elliott – Extended Oboe for oboe and electronic tape. 1975.
Sekon, Joe – The Fester Merchant. 1973.
Silverman, Faye-Ellen – Layered Lament for English horn and electronic tape. 1983.
Sosa, Jorge - Still Life (Naturaleza Muerta) for amplified oboe and fixed electronic media. 2010. (10:30)
Stevens, Thomas – Triangles IV for English horn with three live or pre-recorded oboes. 1994.
Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Kompositionen for oboe
Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Solo for melody instrument with feedback. 1966.
Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Spiral for soloist with shortwave receiver. 1968.
Stockhausen, Karlheinz – In Freundschaft for oboe. (In Friendship)
Sullivan, Matt – Oh Boy! for oboe and live effects processing. (5:19).
Swope, Linda – Rapid Transit for solo amplified oboe. 2009.
Swope, Linda – Serial Synth Sonata for oboe and electronic synth sounding recording. 2009.
Szeghy, Iris – In Between for oboe and tape. 1993.
Takahashi, Yuji – Operation Euler for oboe and prerecorded oboes.
Ter Veldhuis, Jacob – Garden of Love for oboe and tape.
Theobald, Jim – Above Ground for treble instrument and tape.
Thome, Diane – Estuaries of Enchantment for oboe and computer-realized sound. 2002. (10:58)
Tittle, Steve – Only, Other, Always for oboe and tape. 1987.
Truax, Barry – Song of Songs for oboe d’amore or English horn, tape and slides. 1992.
Truax, Barry – Tongues of Angels for English horn, oboe d’amore and tape.
Ussachevsky, Vladimir – Pentagram for oboe and tape. 1980.
Veale – Spieltechnik for oboe and tape.
Vees, Jack – Apocrypha for oboe and tape. 1986.
Verin, Nicolas – Miroirs Deformants for oboe and tape. (12:07)
Veverka, Vilém – Song for Eurydice for oboe and electronics.
Wave, Julian J. – Canon for oboe and prerecorded tape.
Winkler, Todd – Three Oboes for oboe and interactive computer. 1989.
Young, Michael – Argrophylax for oboe and interactive computer. 2006.
Young, Michael – Oboe Prosthesis for oboe and interactive computer.
Zapf, Helmut – Canto del Aria for oboe and tape. 1995. (13 minutes)
Oboe and Fixed Media
Arcuri, Serge – La Porte des Sables for oboe or English horn, midi percussion and tape. 1989.
Bennett, Myron – Dialogue for One for oboe doubling English horn and two tape recorders. 1969.
Berio, Luciano – Sequenza VII. Universal Edition. 1969/2000.
Bimstein, Phillip – Cats in the Kitchen for oboe, flute and tape. 2007.
Bimstein, Phillip – Half Moon at a Checkerboard Mesa for oboe and tape. 1997.
Bird, David – Squeem for oboe and tape player. 2011.
Bloland, Per – Study for solo oboe and tape. 2002. (6 minutes)
Bruckmann, Kyle – Cell Structure for oboe, clarinet, and recorded analog electronics. 2009.
Brunner, George – Teaching No Talking for oboe and tape.
Cage, John – Fontana Mix for instrument or combination of instruments and Magnetic tape. 1958. (11:13)
Celli, Joseph – Hands, Reeds and Video for solo performer and four channels of video. 1985.
Celli, Joseph – Star Island for oboe, participants and stereo tape.
Chini, Andre – Två vackra moss for oboe and tape. (13:45)
Dixon, Greg – Train of Thought (Derailed) for amplified oboe/English horn and stereo fixed media. 2008. (5:30)
Dobrowolski, Andrzej – Music for magnetic tape and oboe solo. 1965. (9:04)
Duford, Brian – 31 Across, concerto for oboe and prerecorded sound. 2001. (12 minutes)
Eisma, Will – Adela I for oboe and tape. 1977.
Freihofner, Philip – It’s Only the Wind for oboe and prerecorded electronics.
Freihofner, Philip – The Bell Field for oboe and prerecorded electronics.
Freihofner, Philip – Three Ways to Cook a Fish for oboe and tape.
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-c for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-d for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-h for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-m for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-n for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-p for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-r for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-s for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Globokar, Vinko – Discours III for oboe and 4 prerecorded oboes. 1969. (16 minutes)
Hambraeus, Bengt – Mirrors for oboe and tape. 1987.
Hannan, Peter – RSRCH 2/84 for solo instrument and tape. 1984. (13:50)
Hatch, Peter – Festina Lente for three equal sustaining instruments and tape. 1990. (10 minutes)
Hatzis, Christos – Byzantium for oboe and tape. 1991. (24 minutes)
Heussenstamm, George – Alchemy, Op. 60 for oboe and tape. 1976.
Hines, Scott - In Memoriam. 2013.
Ingham, Steve – Fast Breeder for oboe and tape.
Jaffe, David A – Impossible Animals for oboe and tape. 1990.
Johnston, Ben – Casta for any solo instrument with tape loop. 1970.
Joyce, Brooke – Memory Jewels for oboe, bassoon and cd. 2006. (10 minutes)
Justel, Elsa – Feuillage de Silence for flute, oboe and tape. 1994.
Karpen, Richard – Life Study No.2 for oboe and computer-realized sound. 1995.
Keane, David – Tango for oboe and tape (or piano). 1986. (10:18)
Krenek, Ernst – Aulokithara, Op. 213a for oboe, harp and tape
LaBarbara, Joan – L’albero dale foglie azure for oboe and tape. Joan LaBarbara Music, 1989.
Lake, Larry – Psalm for oboe and tape. 1985. (10 minutes)
Leach, Mary Jane – Xantippe’s Rebuke for oboe and tape. New York: Ariadne Music, 1993.
Lomon, Ruth – Furies for oboe and prerecorded oboe, oboe d’amore and English horn.
Louvier, Alain – Qu’est devenu ce bel oeil? (What became of this beautiful eye?) for flute or oboe and tape. 1977.
Lyon, Eric – Fanfare for Gordon Mumma for treble instrument(s) and tape.
Mason, Charles Norman – Amalgam I for oboe and tape. 1988.
Maxwell, Melinda – Pibroch for oboe and drone. Trevco.
Moss, Lawrence – Unseen Leaves for soprano, oboe and tape. (16:32)
Musgrave, Thea – Niobe for oboe and tape. 1987.
Nazor, Craig – Inverted Canons for oboe and tape.
Ohara, Yoko – Psychedelic Mirage for oboe and CD backing.
Phillips, Mark – Sonic Landscapes for oboe and tape. 1989.
Pinkston, Russell – Gobo for oboe and electronic sounds. 2007. (7:19)
Repar, Patricia Ann – Alex for oboe, viola and tape. 2014. (8 minutes)
Reynolds, Roger – Islands from Archipelago: I. Summer Island for oboe and computer-generated tape. New York: C.F. Peters Corps. 1984.
Ross, Erik – Succession for oboe and tape.
Schwartz, Elliott – Extended Oboe for oboe and electronic tape. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1975.
Sosa, Jorge – Still Life (Naturaleza Muerta) for amplified oboe and fixed electronic media. 2010. (10:30)
Swope, Linda – Serial Synth Sonata for oboe and electronic synth sounding recording. 2009.
Szeghy, Iris – In Between for oboe and tape. Slovakia: Music Information Centre, 1993.
Takahashi, Yuji – Operation Euler for oboe and prerecorded oboes.
Ter Veldhuis, Jacob – Garden of Love for oboe and tape.
Theobald, Jim – Above Ground for treble instrument and tape.
Thome, Diane – Estuaries of Enchantment for oboe and computer-realized sound. 2002. (10:58)
Tittle, Steve – Only, Other, Always for oboe and tape. 1987.
Ussachevsky, Vladimir – Pentagram for oboe and tape. 1980.
Veale – Spieltechnik for oboe and tape. Trevco.
Vees, Jack – Apocrypha for oboe and tape. Los Angeles: Leisure Planet Music, 1986.
Verin, Nicolas – Miroirs Deformants for oboe and tape. (12:07)
Wave, Julian J. – Canon for oboe and prerecorded tape.
Zapf, Helmut – Canto del Aria for oboe and tape. 1995. (13 minutes)
Oboe and Interactive Computer
Archbold, Paul – A Little Night Music for oboe and interactive computer. 2004.
Holliger, – Cardiophony for oboe and MaxMSP live heart microphone. Mainz, Germany: Schott Musik International, 1971.
Jacobs, Bryan – A Gentle Ruin for oboe and live electronics. 2007. (6:30)
Karpen, Richard – Life Study No. 2 for oboe and computer realized sound. 1995.
Roxburgh, Edwin – At the Still point of the turning World for oboe and MaxMSP. (oboe with live delays and treatments)
Winkler, Todd – Three Oboes for oboe and interactive computer. 1989.
Young, Michael – Argrophylax for oboe and interactive computer. 2006.
Young, Michael – Oboe Prosthesis for oboe and interactive computer.
Oboe and Live Effects Processing
Carl, Robert – Yearning for oboe with digital delay, processing and tape. 1997.
Friar, Sean – Oboemobo for oboe and EPs. 2010. (7 minutes)
Goldberg, Anne H. – Explorazione Spettrale for Emily Di Angelo for solo oboe and electronics. 2010.
Jacobs, Bryan – A Gentle Ruin for oboe and live electronics. 2007. (6:30)
Marshall, Ingram – Baghdad Blues for oboe and live effects processing. 2006.
Rosenboom, David – And Come Up Dripping for oboe with live electronic processing. 1968.
Roxburgh, Edwin – At the Still point of the turning World for oboe and MaxMSP.
Sullivan, Matt – Oh Boy! for oboe and live effects processing. (5:19).
Swope, Linda – Rapid Transit for solo amplified oboe. 2009.
Oboe and Other Electronics
Eje, Niels – Oboe in Orbit.
Harvey, Jonathan – Ricercare una melodia for oboe and live electronics. 2011. (5:24)
Hays, Sorrel – Take Back a Country Road for oboe, casio sax and DX-7. New York. 1992.
Joyce, Brooke – Prairie Etudes for English horn, live electronics and video. 2006. (6 minutes)
Kretz, Johannes – Urban Gypsies for oboe, electronics, and silent movie (movie by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy). (20 minutes)
Lindroth, Scott – Teerza Rima for oboe and live electronics. 1995.
Mefano, Paul – Asahi for oboe et dispositif électro-acoustique 1992. (6 minutes)
Mendez, Jorge Garcia Del Valle – Blue Water, Dark Sky for oboe and 2-channel tape. 2009. (21:30)
Mitterer, Wolfgang – Charivan for oboe and electronics. (6:30)
Procel, Gaytan – Concerto No. 2 for oboe and electronics. 2008.
Sekon, Joe – The Fester Merchant. 1973.
Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Kompositionen for oboe
Stockhausen, Karlheinz – In Freundschaft for oboe.
Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Solo for melody instrument with feedback. 1966.
Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Spiral for soloist with shortwave receiver. 1968.
Veverka, Vilém – Song for Eurydice for oboe and electronics.
English Horn and Fixed Media
Arcuri, Serge – La Porte des Sables for oboe or English horn, midi percussion and tape. 1989.
Bennett, Myron – Dialogue for One for oboe doubling English horn and two tape recorders. 1969.
Chadabe, Joel – Street Scene for English horn, tape and projections. 1967.
D’Alessio, Greg – Reflections on a Poem by E.E. Cummins for English horn and tape. 1994.
Dixon, Greg – Train of Thought (Derailed) for amplified oboe/English horn and stereo fixed media. 2008. (5:30)
Fox, Christopher – Broadway Boogie for English horn and prerecorded English horn.
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-c for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-d for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-h for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-m for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-n for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-p for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-r for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-s for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Hannan, Peter – RSRCH 2/84 for solo instrument and tape. 1984. (13:50)
Hellerman, William – One into Another (Ariel) for English horn and tape. 1972.
Johnston, Ben – Casta for any solo instrument with tape loop. 1970.
Lyon, Eric – Fanfare for Gordon Mumma for treble instrument(s) and tape.
Marshall, Ingram – Dark Waters for English horn with live electronics and tape. 1995. (17:12)
Pennycook, Bruce – Fast Dance for English horn and tape. (7 minutes)
Phillips, Mark – Elegy and Honk for English horn and tape.
Silverman, Faye-Ellen – Layered Lament for English horn and electronic tape. 1983.
Stevens, Thomas – Triangles IV for English horn with three live or prerecorded oboes. 1994.
Theobald, Jim – Above Ground for treble instrument and tape.
Truax, Barry – Song of Songs for oboe d’amore or English horn, tape and slides. 1992.
Truax, Barry – Tongues of Angels for English horn, oboe d’amore and tape.
English Horn and Interactive Computer
Melby, John – Concerto for English horn and computer. 1986. (15 minutes)
English Horn and Live Effects Processing
Marshall, Ingram – Dark Waters for English horn with live electronics and tape. 1995. (17:12)
English horn and Other Electronics
Misurell-Mitchell, Janice – Deconstruction Blues for English horn and DX-7. 1991. (11 minutes)
Oboe d’amore and Fixed Media
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-c for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-d for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-h for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-m for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-n for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-p for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-r for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-s for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Hannan, Peter – RSRCH 2/84 for solo instrument and tape. 1984. (13:50)
Johnston, Ben – Casta for any solo instrument with tape loop. 1970.
Lyon, Eric – Fanfare for Gordon Mumma for treble instrument(s) and tape.
Theobald, Jim – Above Ground for treble instrument and tape.
Truax, Barry – Song of Songs for oboe d’amore or English horn, tape and slides. 1992.
Truax, Barry – Tongues of Angels for English horn, oboe d’amore and tape.
Oboe d’amore and Live Effects Processing
Epstein, Marti – Thalia for oboe d’amore and digital delay. 1998. (11 minutes)
Marshall, Ingram – Holy Ghosts for oboe d’amore and live digital delay processing. 2000. (9:16)
Baroque Oboe and Fixed Media
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-c for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-d for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-h for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-m for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-n for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-p for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-r for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-s for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Hannan, Peter – RSRCH 2/84 for solo instrument and tape. 1984. (13:50)
Johnston, Ben – Casta for any solo instrument with tape loop. 1970.
Lyon, Eric – Fanfare for Gordon Mumma for treble instrument(s) and tape.
Theobald, Jim – Above Ground for treble instrument and tape.
Baroque Oboe and Live Effects Processing
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-c for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-d for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-h for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-m for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-n for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-p for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-r for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Gehlhaar, Rolf – OM-s for stereo soundtrack and any solo voice or instrument. 2002. (13 minutes)
Rubin, Anna – Stolen Gold for amplified baroque oboe, live electronics and digital audio. 1991/2001. (6:20)